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Writer's pictureMeg McIrvin

Another Great Week!

This week has been great, minus the fact that we are currently living in a hotel, but it could be worse. I think Ryan isn't done trying to find an apartment, but I have given up and have decided it would be easier and better at this point to just screw an apartment and stay in a hotel for 4-5 months. As soon as Ryan gets a job, 2 1/2 months from his start date, we can resume our buying a home adventure. Which then our last slum lord and past rental history won't get in our way. And no one can deny us based on our dogs, even if they are emotional support pets. Thankfully the last thing SSVF is helping us with is one extra week at this hotel, then I start to take over the payments. Money might be tight, but we should survive. Let's just hope Ryan can get a full-time job within the next few weeks.

I got to teach again! This time it was fourth grade, and minus a few students who had a few off moments, it was fantastic and I enjoyed every moment I was in the class. There are some teachers at my school who are trying to convince me to go get my teaching degree and become a full-time teacher. But I have a dream of owning and running a Steampunk B&B with a Steampunk/Victorian style pub underneath, that would double as a writers cafe during the day. Since we are staying in the hotel for the next few months, I am considering starting my bachelor's degree. But I need to figure this whole teaching thing out, is it something I can do full time? Will I have time for crochet and writing? Will I be able to just push my B&B down the road and enjoy this new and exciting path I have seemed to find myself on? Only time will tell and a chat with my bestie & best friend to help make sense of it all. Oh! Mrs. M has a new mask and can't wait to show it off on Monday, isn't it fantastic?!

I won a raffle that my friend held! I won the book that her Granddad wrote and hopefully soon I can read it. She also sent over a beautiful bookmark that she got from a town that holds a special place in her heart. I can't remember which town it is called, which I feel really bad for, but it makes it so special that it is from a special place to her. I will cherish it forever.

Today's affirmations have been spot on and I feel them in my soul. I have been making so much progress working on myself this new year: making goals and achieving them, a good job with benefits, keeping up with a journal planner, making sure to keep in touch with friends, staying positive, learning everything I can about my religion, branching out and trying new things. Writing in a blog weekly, with some special blog posts during the week. And even learning Spanish with Claire!

Speaking of writing, I have some fantastic new ideas for Liam and have written most of them down. Hopefully, Claire and I can branch out on those ideas and continue to have Liam and his friend's world grow to something that will be even better than it currently is. Who knows, maybe by the time we have our house, we might be ready to test our hand at the next step, working on voices for the podcast. I feel so much more organized with Liam now that I have set new and achievable goals for him. While we are talking about writing, April is coming up in a few months, which means Camp NaNo! I am wondering what I plan to work on during it, but since I have a full month in a half until April, I have plenty of time to think of what I am working on.

I finished my friend's tarot pad with a pouch and even made a fish magnet for her. Why a fish? She's Pisces and her favorite color is purple. So it worked out perfectly and had fun creating a pattern (tarot pad) and making a new magnet. I have a present I am making my daddy since he had a hard week and then I have a zombie commission for Bradly, (a friend and fellow writer) and to finish my Valentine's garland for my friend Suzie I am hoping to finish. I really need to get a 2022 penny for Diane's (my adopted mom) future daughter, so I can also get her project done. If I can also squeeze in the Valentine's Wind Spinner, I will be super happy to have accomplished all my crochet goals.

I can't wait for tomorrow for another great week with my kids. The only downside is I will be transferred in a week or two due to an issue with the principal. I guess she didn't like that I didn't like just sitting around waiting for a teacher to utilize me. I am sorry I like to actually work for my money? But I did find a teacher who says I am always welcome in her classroom if another teacher doesn't need me for their scheduled time. I wonder if I can get lucky and get to actually teach more than one day. Fingers crossed!

Hope you all have a fantastic new week. Blessed Be and may the Gods and Goddesses shine down on you.

Until Next Time,


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