I started out strong but I’m kind of fizzing. I think it might be my new chair and The fact that I am in the living room. It is very distracting because there’s an Xbox at my desk and I just wanna play video games with Ryan. I got 681 words today, not very much but at least I got some for the day. I also got some homework done, so that counts right?
I got an iPad from school today. It’s part of their lunch box program where you get supplies to help you in your field. I will be getting a laptop in about 2 1/2 months. The worst part about it is both of them are Apple products and I am not a fan of Apple. I really wish they would let you pick the products that you were given, so that way you don’t end up in tears trying to learn how to use the stupid product. So that’s how my day went.
Until Next Time,