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Writer's pictureMeg McIrvin

I Wrote A Book!

Yes, you read that right. This past weekend (9/26 -9/28) I sat down and just wrote the whole thing. I use to just use notes and try to write a book, picked one up, and write a little and then get stuck. Well, not this time. This time I not only had notes but I planned out every single event that would happen in my book, then put those events in different chapters. Took that as an outline and just took it one chapter at a time.

I can officially say that Full Moon Magic is finished. It has a beginning, a middle, and an end! You are probably wondering what next. Well next is to have different groups read my chapters and critique it. Then work on those critiques until I think they are perfect. Once that is done, I will find an editor to help me polish it. Once that is done I will be looking to get it published.

However, don't get too excited because I am putting Full Moon Magic to the side and focusing on NaNoWriMo. What is NaNoWriMo? It is National Novel Writing Month. It is a challenge to write 50,000 words in the month of November. What book will I be working on? I have not decided, but as soon as I pick which one, I am sure to announce it. I also will be trying my best to post once a week during NaNoWriMo to share my progress and any challenges that I come across.


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