Yeah, don't ask about what I titled this post. I honestly couldn't think of one. I know I missed a few days and that is because I have a job at a hotel. Good news, if I am not busy, I can write! Bad news, it's full time and I had a few breakdowns because I didn't think I would be able to finish NaNo. But I am so committed and on my days off, I will be snuggling in bed and not get up until I have reached a word count I like. With that said, my first day off is Sunday and my goal is to hit 30k. I have no idea if I will be able to do that, but I will try. On top of writing, I am going to be gaming with a friend. I was also going to dye my hair, but I am going to wait until it is a bit longer and go get it styled into a cute short bob. Then I will dye my hair. My brain is turning to goo, so before I start writing things that don't make sense, this is it for now.
Until Next Time,