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Writer's pictureMeg McIrvin

Mrs. M's First Day

Claire and I woke up an hour earlier than we needed to due to a two-hour delay in the start time. But it helped me wake up and have a nice cup of orange juice. We then got into the car and headed to my doctor's appointment for my TB shot. Which ended up getting rescheduled because everyone forgot it was Thursday and not Wednesday. If I had my shot today, they wouldn't have been able to read it on Sunday since they are closed. So once again, my TB shot is rescheduled, and I will be getting it done Monday, the same time as my orientation. Oh, joy! lol

Drove Claire to school, who thankfully wasn't as late as I thought she was. Then I headed to W.M. Bass Elementary and waited for the principal. Would Who didn't even know I was coming! But we went to the conference room, and she gave me a folder and went through some of the paperwork that would help me get through the day. I am a building substitute, which covers every teacher and the secretary. They haven't had a building substitute since November and every teacher I met today was very happy and thankful to have me! It was an amazing feeling to not only have the teachers be so welcoming but happy that I was there.

After we finished going through the paperwork, the principal gave me the tour and a handful of the teachers. She then told e that for the rest of this week and next week, I will be bouncing from class to class, just getting the swing of things and getting to know the teachers and kids. That is unless I need to cover for a teacher. The principal gave me an elevator key and then sent me on my way.

I had lunch first, so I ate my salad while checking in on Ryan and the pups. Then I went to a third-grade class for a little over 20 minutes until it was their lunchtime. I mostly sat and observed the class, but I did get to help a few students and hand out sandwich bags for the assignment they were doing, which some had cut up their boxes but not had time to glue on their papers yet.

Then I was the teacher on lunch duty, and I walked around and talked to the students who wanted to talk to me. Mostly was a little girl who didn't seem to want to talk to the other girls next to her or vis versa. At the ten-minute mark, before the teachers came to pick up the students, I gave them the time and started to hand out wipes for the students to wipe up their area. I thought that was a cool thing the principal had the students do. Teaching them to clean up after themselves is an important lesson, and the sooner they learn, the better. After the two third-grade classes were done cleaning, I had them line up and a few minutes later said goodbye to the classes.

I then headed down to first grade to spend an hour with one of the class s. They were all happy to meet me, and a few students couldn't stop checking to see if I was still the . A fantastic I didn't get to do much with this class since they were just mostly reading or taking a spelling test. So while I waited for someone to raise their hand, I filled out some paperwork I needed to do for the school district. I did wipe the tablets off for the teacher before I said my goodbye and headed to my next class.

Next was fourth grade, and it was a nice change of pace since I was actually covering for an aide. I sat between two boys, and my task was to keep the boys on task. One boy didn't seem to need my attention as much. But the other boy didn't talk and defiantly needed the nudge to stay on task. I walked around a few times, woke up a student napping twice before the teacher had him stand up for a few minutes, and before I knew it, my hour was up. The teacher had one of the students escort me to my last class, which was nice. I sent him back after learning where the class was. Before I headed into the class, I stopped for water and a bathroom break.

My final class for the day was another fourth-grade class, and the teacher had one of the boys sit next to me and read his book. Sadly, I didn't hear most of what he read, but I helped him with a word and his assignment. Then the teacher set up a fun "hacking" game where you answer questions and either steal points from someone else or get your own points. In the middle of the game, the teacher excused herself for a few, and I walked around the class, keeping them settled from cheering too loud and staying on task. It wasn't until the end two students "hacked" the same student and took 5 points each from her. It was all good fun, and she still managed to win. I wish I had some Bass Bucks on me; I felt for being such a good sport, she should have gotten one.

I got a weird email and asked the principal about it, and so she made a call. The only downside about it was that Claire had to wait 40 minutes for me to get to her, some of which she waited in the rain like a silly goose. By the time I was done, I had rushed out to my car as fast as possible despite the stairs and rain. But I was trapped by the parents waiting to pick up their students. Thankfully one of the teachers told me I could go out the other way and managed to get claire and head home.

Unless it snows more than it did after school, we are only on another two-hour delay. Hopefully, it stays that way and does not end up getting yet another snow day this week! It was a great day, and I look forward to my second day tomorrow! Maybe, just maybe, I will write another blog tomorrow. You'll just have to wait and see.

Until Next Time,


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