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Writer's pictureMeg McIrvin

One Hell of a Week!

When Monday started, I just assumed it would be another one of those Manic Mondays where if it can go wrong, it will go wrong. But what actually happened, was something I never wanted Claire to experience. Most parents would agree that when you send your child to school, you expect them to be safe. Well that was what I assume every day when I kiss my daughter and send her into her school. She had gym for second period and they had three or so classes together and most of the students were chatting around the gym and on bleachers. Some girls were following Claire around trying to get to the bottom of why Claire called a girl a name, in a chat to another friend, or so she thought. She texted me saying she was being harassed and followed by some girls. So I called the school and told the secretary to get my daughter out of her class, DO NOT let her go back because she is not safe. I also said I would reach out to the principal when I wasn't in a class.

Less than ten minutes later I get a text from Claire saying she was attacked. First I was worried about her safety. Then when I got a call from the principal it sounded so much worse! Apparently, she went back to class and the girls who were harassing her tried again when she got back. As she tried to walk away, some random girl that wasn't even in the group came down the bleachers, yanked her hair, and knocked her down. She then started to punch and slap Claire. When the teachers started to pull the girl off, she even tried to kick her a few times, which thankfully she missed. I finally got the call and was told about what happened, and thankfully it was on camera and lined up with everything Claire had said.

After learning that Claire was okie, that's when I got livid, or whatever word is worse than that. I called! I told them there was an issue in the gym and she was not safe. So why the hell was she sent back to class?! The principal didn't know and said that the other principal will look into it. When I got there, I talked to the principal and told her we wanted to press charges. We also decided to get an order of protection which if the girl comes back, she won't be allowed near claire. After we were done, I took Claire to the hospital since the urgent cares I called said to be on the safe side if she needed any X-rays, they would have to send us somewhere else. Minus a few bumps and bruises, she didn't show signs of a concussion. But the doctor wanted us to keep an eye on her for 24 hours, which meant I couldn't go to school Tuesday due to only having one car. I didn't want to be subbing for someone and have to leave early because I needed to take Claire in. We do plan to also go after the girl's family for restitution for the hospital bills and the few days I was out of work.

Claire was supposed to change classes on Wednesday but the staff member in charge was not there, so the principal who was dealing with what happened with Claire let her go into a room "with pretty lights" as Claire called it. Thankfully it was only a half-day, so she didn't have to stay long. We stopped at a store to grab a few things plus Valentine gifts for the few classes I am in. When we were out the other principal called and we told him what happened and how the secretary failed to do her job. While on the call, I found out she didn't even tell Claire that I called nor did she seem worried about sending her back to class when Claire asked. He said he would look into it and reach out the next day. Thursday she was able to change her classes and she has at least two friends in each class, one who does not leave her side and escorts her keeping her safe. Claire says it has been a big help keeping people away and harassing her about what happened. After school, I got the call from the principal and he said that the secretary said that she let Claire go back to class since the class was just about over. He said he talked with her about the right way to handle the situation and that was it. Then Friday we went to the courthouse and set up the protection order.

I am still scathing mad. My daughter NEVER would have been in that position if the secretary did her job. Claire would NEVER have been attacked. I would not have had to leave school. Claire wouldn't have had to get checked for a concussion at the hospital. NONE of it would have happened if that damn woman did her damn job and kept my baby safe. That is what is to be expected at a school, is it not? I don't feel the issue is resolved. I feel that the principal did NOT do a very good job handling that situation. MY DAUGHTER WAS ATTACKED DUE TO A STAFF MEMBER NOT DOING HER JOB! Yeah, the girl who attacked my daughter is just as responsible.... But so is that staff member. I gave it the weekend and I am still just as mad as Monday when it happened. I have decided that Monday morning, I will be going to the school district and seeing what I can do about this. Because my daughter's safety is important and if the principal won't do anything, then they better!

In happier news, Ryan got a job!!! He should be starting tomorrow. He is a sterile processing technician, which means all the used tools the doctors use, he sterilizes it and then repackages it. I am so proud of him for all his hard work in trying to find something. I am also super excited for tomorrow because we can start the countdown to when we can resume buying a home! Which let's face it, a few more months in a hotel vs a year in an apartment that we don't own? Yeah, a hotel is better. I mean, I am sure there are cons to living in a hotel, but it works for the time. Just wish this hotel was worth the money we pay for it.

Crochet has been slow since I have been busy with Claire or work. But I am hoping to finish my dad's present, Michael's present and a few other presents before the lights get here. As soon as I am done with the handful of side projects, I plan to resume Suzie's two hears plus her magnet which will be an epic surprise. I also decided to gift her one of the side-projects I am working on as a Thank You for being an amazing friend present. Because she is one of those friends you usually only hear other people talk about. I must have done something right to get such an amazing friend like her.

With me not having school this week, I have decided to work on my writing! Organize my notes and work on some more outlines for the podcast. Then with Camp NaNo coming in April, I need to figure out what I am going to be working on. So first, I plan to look into The Withering Princess and see how much world-building is done and how much more is left. To be honest, I am sure there is a HUGE chunk left, but maybe it has enough to get started on the first book. If not, I have to look through my concept titles with their outlines and see which one I can pick and work on to get it ready for Camp NaNo. Stay tuned, next Sunday I just might have the title of the book I will be doing for NaNo! If I do, I might even throw in a free mini stuffie as a thank you for being an avid reader of my silly blog.

We went to Meeples! Saturday and played some board games but sadly I didn't win the contest. It was still fun to go out and do something. Today, Claire and her friends went to Fun Quest to go roller skating, laser tag, and play arcade games. Ryan and I were supposed to take our three furbabies hiking and then we had planned to have a nice picnic to celebrate Valentine's Day since he will be working tomorrow. Sadly that didn't happen since the weather is cold and wet. And due to the kids needing a parental supervisor, I am in the hotel room all alone while Ryan went and is keeping an eye on them.

Well, I think I covered everything. Now I am going to play a little bit of a phone game before I get started finishing my dad's present. I hope you all have a great week. Blessed Be and may the Gods and Goddesses shine down on you.

Until Next Time,


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