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Writer's pictureMeg McIrvin

Pinkie's Up!

I know I am a day late with this, but for some reason, words just aren't coming to me. So much to talk about but for some reason, I am having a hard time with how I want to word this. So bare with me, and forgive me for it being a bit less whimsical and just list everything.

This new hotel is fantastic. From the staff to the rooms, to the breakfast, and our favorite part, the forest next to the hotel. After the past two weeks, I needed to ground myself and refind my center. So Claire and I went into the forest and walked around until we found a spot that called to us. After we decided we wanted to create a space for ourselves, we made a circle. The manager even gave us a rake so we could clean the inside of it. When Ryan got off work and we showed it to him, he even started to work on a trail so it would be safer for me to get to. He isn't quite done yet, but he's been working on it a little bit at a time. We even spent the afternoon of our anniversary out there. Ryan played with the dogs, I read in my circle, and claire listened to music and watched the dogs.

Ryan loves his new job and he is starting to move better and his moods are even starting to improve. I sadly had to resign from the substituting position. The pay just isn't enough right now, and with us living in a hotel until the summer, we need every penny. Thanks to some friends, I have two jobs I plan to apply to and fingers crossed I can get one of them. The best part is they are remote and I won't have to leave the dogs while I work! Claire wasn't planning on changing schools, but the friend she was carpooling with was not seeing eye to eye with her, and with everything that happened, she finally just called it quits. We started the transfer paperwork Friday and hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday she should be able to start her new school. Every local we have talked to says the schools are so much better out here.

This coming month on top of working, I will be super busy working on finishing world-building and outlining my Coven Trilogy. My hope is that I can get the first book ready for Camp NaNoWriMo which starts April 1st! With everything going on, I haven't made any real progress on my dad's present. However, I should be able to finish it today, fingers crossed! I crocheted a flower and crocheted around a pen for the stem. I gave the first one to our host for the Tea Party.

Speaking of April: 46 days until we can start the process of buying a home! I am so excited that by the end of the summer, we should FINALLY have that home we have been talking about since the end of last year. We are so close, just a little bit longer.

Claire's court date was Thursday and it was absolutely a waste of time. Basically, the other party asked to have the order of protection hearing post phoned and put with the assault case. Which we didn't have a problem with, all except Ryan took the day off to help Claire get through it, since the girl was there. He did such a good job keeping her distracted while we were out of the courtroom.

Claire and I went to our first pagan meetup and our first tea party! I finally got to meet some of the lovely women I was chatting with online. We met so many new friends, who were just as amazing. The food was delicious, the tea I had was magnificent and our host had set up such a lovely afternoon! We even remembered to put our pinkies up as Lizzie from The Great Fairy Rescue taught Tinkerbell to do during their tea party. After our last cup of tea, we had our leaves read for the first time. Claire managed to see a cat, but the butterfly or fairy that was in mine, that the others saw, I did not see. But it was still very fun!

I think I covered everything. I hope everyone has a great week and a Happy March! May the Gods and Goddesses shine down on you. Blessed Be.

Until Next Time,


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