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Writer's pictureMeg McIrvin

Titles are hard...

Nothing much to really write about. Still having some issues, and after talking to the VA home loan person, it looks like we won't be able to pick up where we left off. The lady said they will have to reapprove us and Ryan has to work as many months as he has been off. So its 4-5 months, not 2-3 months, which means we won't be able to start the process until May. If I can get a temporary part-time job, money won't be as tight as it currently is. But we are surviving.

April is just around the corner and not only am I excited about Camp NaNo, but my writing group is changing things up and I have volunteered as a camp coach. Basically, I'll be running sprints, games, cheering the group on, and other fun things like that. So on top of making sure, my first book in the coven trilogy is ready, I also have to plan out events for the month for the group. I am not stressed, but more excited.

I have hit a tiny wall with my crochet. I did manage to make a new tarot pouch for a gift exchange we did with our pagan group. One of the ladies I am friends with ended up getting it, which made me beyond happy! With no one buying anything, I will have to temporarily take down my store since I can't afford it at the moment. I had hoped that with everything going on, people would be buying things as they can as their way to help us out, but that doesn't even seem to be the case. So I am making one more thing as a challenge for a friend, and then just resume Tabby's blanket and then get started on my MIL's blanket and then once done hers, work on my dad's for his birthday. The only downside is his present I was making kinda flopped and I am struggling on what to make him instead. Hopefully, inspiration will hit soon and I can send him his present sooner rather than later.

We are back in Lynchburg, but thankfully Claire doesn't have to go back to the school she left. She is going to be doing virtual school for the last 9ish weeks left of school. We are hoping she can get started on Monday. Due to bad internet, we might have to hang out at a place with WIFI while she works, but I figure I can work on my book while she is working on school.

Yesterday was Ostara and Claire and I did our first ritual with our pagan group. Due to weather, we were stuck doing it inside, but even though it was a tight fit and at times it was a bit awkward, mainly because we were new and didn't really know what to expect, it was a lovely evening. We even made two new friends, that I hope we will get to see every Monday for D&D nights at our favorite game shop here in town.

I did not miss a week, by the way, I just forgot to share that I wrote a new post. So if you missed last week, you can always go check it out, but its another doozy of a week. Not next week, but two weeks from now, I will be able to start sharing the progress of my Coven Trilogy's first book and how I am doing as a camp coach! Hopefully, you are just as excited for April as I am! Hope you all have a great week. May the Gods and Goddesses shine down on you. Blessed be.

Until Next Time,


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