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Writer's pictureMeg McIrvin


With so much to talk about, we are going to skip the part where I apologize for the delay in another blog post. Once things settle down, I will try and make weekly blog posts a thing, which will be so much easier. And now, let me fill you all in on the things you have missed.

While I haven't worked on any of my stories, I have written a journal entry, remixed a song, and have been working on another journal entry. Those journal entries aren't for everyone and the topics are on the side closer to a side, I am not ready to share with the world. I probably will never share that side, however, if I do... It is only those in my inner circle who will actually get to read them. The song I will talk about it later and maybe even share it, with his permission.

I know I was crouching my Mother in Law's present and I have made no progress. Not because her birthday is fastly approaching, but because I don't want to put any negative feelings into my crochet, and until we got our house settled, my moods were usually always down. I was actually thinking of grabbing my yarn and making a little something... Just wish all my yarn wasn't in a friend's closet. I just wish my stuffing wasn't in a friend's closet.

I miss my different group of friends. Due to a health scare (I was informed that I may have been exposed to COVID, but the person wasn't anywhere near me that night), the flower-making was canceled. Then due to weather, the host ended up post-phoning and then canceling Beltane. Which made me super sad since it is one of my favorite pagan holidays. Took Ryan to dinner and also a bonfire with another group of friends. The dinner was fun but the bonfire fizzled out due to a huge jerkface not respecting my boundaries. Then both groups had an event this past weekend and while I did cancel one for a special weekend, it didn't end like expected and I ended up having to cancel the other event. But I talk to a handful and if you follow me on any of my social media sites you'd come to find out I rescued an abuse victim.

Before I talk about this weekend, I should mention... I have a boyfriend. Kinda using his words, he is Ryan's teammate and wants to be Claire's uncle or friend. Ryan says that he is cool and looks forward to getting to know him more (they are both military veterans). Claire absolutely loves him and they have already done a movie night while Ryan and I had a night to snuggle and watch a movie. I know some of you reading this might not understand, but I am at a point in my life where I don't care if you don't approve. I have never been as happy as I am now, and so far, Shaggy is the best stray I have brought home yet. And the fact that I am beyond happy should be the only thing you take away.

This weekend I was staying with Shaggy and it gave Ryan and Claire time to bond and watch scary movies which, they haven't done in quite a while because us living in a hotel room, and there isn't space to do that. They walked to the mall on Friday and had dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Saturday they went and saw the new Jurassic Park movie and Ryan said she was at the edge of her seat. With the pool open, they also did a bunch of that after the movie. Friday for Shaggy and I was a night I will never forget and while I won't give any details, it was a night I never even dreamed was possible. Saturday shit hit the fan and Shaggy opened up a side that I am sure he does not share with very many. I learned how unhappy, unsafe, and absolutely small he felt living with the woman he was. At one point he broke so small and was scared for his life! It was at that moment I decided that there was NO WAY I can leave him back in that house. We made a game plan and while I was high and texting people random craziness, he started packing. At one point while he was singing Fight Song, I got the idea of recording it. Not because of the quality but because you could HEAR his pain. And I felt if anything comes to light, or he needs some help, I can play that and share just how broken that woman and his past made him feel.

Sunday we loaded everything in the car and as we were driving away the excitement that was over his face washed away a lot of the pain that he felt. While his other girlfriend has been behind the scenes, without her help, I would not be able to save him from the hell he was going through. She is MY teammate for him, and I love her so much and am thankful that she was able to bring him to a point that he was ready to leave the abuse. It turned out that wasn't the only abusive relationship we helped him out of. It turns out his mother is a horrible woman who cares more about herself than anything else. How can any mother let a complete stranger go to the ends of the earth and NOT do the same? How can any mother let their child feel so sad and alone? How can any mother not want to rescue her son from abuse? He has since then also cut her off and with his new phone number, he has shut the door to his abusive past. While the healing process will be long, his other girlfriend and I will be right there for him.

After getting him settled into the hotel, we joined Ryan and Claire in the pool and they had a great time talking and getting to know him. I look forward to watching my little family grow into what I have envisioned, and if it can, it will be one hell of a fantastic new chapter of my life.

And now, what I am sure you were all waiting for... We have a home!!! It is a cute three-bedroom modern-day cottage with a basement and an acre and a half. We are currently in the closing and we should be able to get the keys on July 6th, 2022! There could be a chance if the sellers get out sooner and everything is done, then there is a very good possibility that we can even move in sooner. I don't even care that we won't have any furniture or beds. It is ours to start the next chapter of our lives and I can't wait!

This has been long enough and now I am going to go grab my bathing suit and relax in the pool with my family. May the Gods and Goddesses shine down on you. Blessed Be.

Until Next Time,


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